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Music Notes and Old Hebrew
Judith Weinshall Liberman

Read more about the Abstracts Series

I created the MUSIC NOTES AND OLD HEBREW series of paintings in 2023, when I was 94 years old. The series was part of several series of acrylic paintings designed to symbolize, through illegible texts, the Babel-like chaos in our world. The "illegibility" of music notes, at least to the general public, is well-known. In the present series, I combined music notes with a letter of Old Hebrew ("Shin", pronounced "sh"). I did so not only because neither system of notations is widely known but also because both systems combine a rising and a descending movement. In addition, the letter Shin is the first letter in the word "shir- which is the Hebrew word for "song." I used two stencils to create each of the paintings in the present series, one for the music notes and another for the Old Hebrew letter.

Judith Weinshall Liberman

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